Friday, July 5, 2013

a curse of princess fransisca #chapter 1

Hi guys, you certainly know what it is karma? Something we do will return to us, good or bad. From childhood I often reminded to not just talk or do something bad impact. But know what the little kids today are easily observed. Today I'm going to share the story of how the end of life of a person who did a bad thing and what she got. So, let's get start.

In a rural area of ​​London there was a girl named Fransisca, she was the daughter of a nobleman in the village. His parents are very kind to the locals, but very different from Fransisca she always insulted people less fortunate there. Fransisca is famous because of her beauty and expertise, in almost all areas. Fransisca good at lessons, arts, martial, and lessons nobility, and also of course famous for her arrogance,but it is something that has never known his parents.

Rain falls on a cold night ahead of falls, Fransisca and her family were eating dinner together is suddenly interrupted by someone knocking on the door. Her mother told her to see who was knocking on the door. It turns out an old lady who knocking the door, Fransisca asked angrily, "What are you doing old lady?" Fransisca exclaimed angrily. Then the old woman said, "May I ask for a glass of water?". Fransisca snapped the old women, "It's disturbing dinner still dare to ask for water, how dare you old lady!" Fransisca then slammed the door hard. On arrival in the dining room her mom asked who was knocking on the door and Fransisca simply replied that it was just a prankster.

Fransisca wake up the next day when she was surprised because the skin becomes broken and her beauty face transformed into the face of an old woman. Fransisca locked herself in her room all day, her mother was worried and went to her room, her mother was shocked to discover that her beautiful daughter turned into an old woman that very bad looking. Fransisca parents had sent her to the Pavilion family in rural areas, Fransisca sad having to part with all the beautiful clothes.

Year after year passed,every name that is given by locals people, Fransisca become a grandmother who feared by local people, young but with a face like an old lady? No one dared to get closer to her,ever her parents who often come after a long time had not come again, until finally Fransisca was a legend in the villages around there.

One night while sleeping,suddenly there was a light that is so bright and wake Fransisca, it turns out it was a fairy. This fairy who became an old women who came in that night and also have changed Fransisca had an old women face. Fransisca cried and apologized, but it was too late. Fransisca must face her face and body for her entire life. Unless .... Fransisca can meet the requirements of the fairies ......
So guys, this is a first chapter. I'm going to publish the second chapter as soon as possible.I'm so sorry guys if there so much mistaken of my grammar,because i'm an english expert. But i try my best to translated the story so hope you guys enjoyed.... See you in next chapter

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